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Created 15-Sep-13
Modified 5-Nov-17
Wedding Packages Starting at $999.00. The average Pixellaro wedding will cost $1800.00.
My approach to the wedding is journalistic. That means that the photographs that I capture tell a story about your wedding day. Coverage begins before the ceremony and continues through the reception. Friends and family are made a permanent part of your wedding memories. In addition to the candid shots you will be posed in formal wedding poses. The wedding rehearsal is an important part of the process where I will work with you to plan the shots that will be taken during the service. Time will be scheduled between the ceremony and the reception to capture formal poses in the church, temple, or cathedral setting.
The standard wedding package includes delivery of a 100 photo - hard bound album plus a DVD set of all photos taken; normally there will be 500 to 1000 images on the DVD but the total number may well exceed that. You will have a password protected private album available on where anyone you wish can go to view the images and purchase personal copies of the photos. Every photograph is personally edited in Photoshop® to achieve maximum image quality, apply creative filtering, cropping, or color and light adjustments if needed. There are many additional options that can be considered. It is important that I meet with the bride, groom, and any of your friends or family who are involved in the wedding planning to work out details of the final package based on the choices made.
Please contact me at [email protected] to set up an appointment to discuss the options. Once we determine the best package for you I will provide you with a written quote. There is no charge for this pre-contract meeting.
Engagement Photos may be arranged in advance and will be included free of charge with a signed wedding contract.

Dodson's Proofs

Visitors 12
0 photos
Created 16-Oct-12
Modified 16-Oct-12

Dodson Wedding Final

Visitors 5
394 photos
Created 13-Nov-12
Modified 13-Nov-12
Dodson Wedding Final

Andreita and Dave 20-Jun-15

0 photos


Visitors 0
524 items
Created 8-Nov-15
Modified 8-Nov-15

Michael Alberetti Wedding

Visitors 0
0 photos
Created 5-Nov-17
Modified 5-Nov-17